Posted by Chantel Martiromo, Article by Kyle J. Norton
Fertility is a natural process to insure the survival of human species.
Through natural selection, we produce many offspring when the
reproductive system works at it's peak in the suitable environment with
plenty foods around. On the other hand, the reductive system may
completely shut down or work at it;s minimum state and we produce less
offspring, when the environment is hostile including less foods around,
war, epidemic, etc. But regardless any situation. most women are capable
to conceive sometimes before menopause.
The Micro Nutrient L-Carnitine
is also known as vitamin BT, it is vital for our body in energy
production and for fat metabolism. Since our body can only produce a
small amount of L-carnitine, we may require to increase the levels of
L-carnitine by taking some L-carnitine rick food to prevent any effects
if deficiency is found.
a) Antioxidant
L-carnitine is an
antioxidant, besides helping to improve immune function in guarding our
body against any infection and inflammation, it also helps to decrease
the cells oxidation, resulting in lessening the risk of irregular cell
growth in the reproductive region that impairs fertility.
b) Sperm enhancer
is said that L carnitine plays a vital role in sperm energy
metabolism, because its conversion to acetyl-L-carnitine in the mature
sperm helps the continuation of energy production within the sperm,
thereby increasing the mature sperm quality and count.
c) Blood sugar
also helps to increase the speed of glucose disposal, thereby
decreasing the blood sugar building up in the blood stream, causing
blood thickening and decreasing the blood flow to the reproductive
organs that cause low sperm count effecting fertility.
d) Weight loss
it reduces the pancreas function in secreting insulin by increasing
glucose disposal, it helps to reduce the fluctuation of levels of
insulin in the blood stream, leading to reducing the risk of sugar
craving, thus helping to lose weight.
e) Nervous system
It also
plays an essential roles in preventing the brain cell being oxidated by
stopping the ovidative scavengers to travel through the blood-brain
barrier, where it helps form the brain chemical acetylcholine and keeps
mitochondria to to perform its work efficiently by clearing them of
toxic fatty-acid metabolites, thereby reducing the risk of oxidative
cells in transmuting abnormal information between themselves and
glands, leading to hormone imbalance that disrupts the normal process
of fertility.
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