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Get Pregnant Naturally
".....Utilizing Traditional Chinese Medicine in Tonifying Energy flow to the Reproductive System Channels In Men and Women for Natural Conception, including Couple Who were diagnosed with Unexplained causes of Infertility...." Chantel M.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Soy and Premenstrual syndrome

Posted by Chantel M. Contributed by Monique N. Gilbert, B.Sc.

According the article of Can soy increase the length of a woman's menstrual cycle or affect PMS? By Monique N. Gilbert, B.Sc., she wrote that Soy foods contain phytoestrogens (isoflavones) that have similar properties to human estrogen, but are much weaker. Soy's natural plant estrogen helps regulate hormone levels. Isoflavones bind to the body's estrogen receptors and supplement the effects of estrogen when levels are low. This can help prevent breast cancer and relieve many premenstrual symptoms..... The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology reported a study which found that 1,200 milligrams of calcium taken daily reduced the physical and psychological symptoms associated with PMS by almost 50 percent.
So you have it. intake of more soy daily is the cheapest and healthiest way to enhance the normal production of sex hormones and reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome


  1. I'm not fully clear on this. Soy increases the length of a woman's menstrual cycle meaning longer in life -menopause starts later in life- or the menstrual cycle increases in length during the monthly cycle?

  2. Here is the article Soy and Menstruation

  3. Unfortunately, soy production destroys more land and animal habitats.
