Posted by Chantel Martiromo
Fertility is a natural process to insure the survival of human species.
Through natural selection, we produce many offspring when the
reproductive system works at it's peak in the suitable environment with
plenty of food around. On the other hand, the reproductive system may
completely shut down or work at it's minimum state in reproduction of
offspring, when the environment is hostile including less foods around,
war, epidemic, but regardless of all these factors, most women are
capable of conceiving during their menstrual stages before menopause.
antisperm antibody test is one of procedure which helps to see the
antigens of the immune system function toward sperm invasion through
blood test. If the immune system recognized or not the sperm as the
foreign object, it will produces white blood cells to kill them.
I. Procedure
is withdrawn from a vein in the arm of the infertile female in the
clinic laboratory and is to analyzed by immunologic infertility
II. Diagnosis
The test uses a sample of sperm and adds a substance that binds only to the test sperm.
sample causes the immune system response in either the man's or
woman's body. If there is an injure somewhere in the body or
inflammation caused by irregular cell adhesion or implants such as
endometriosis or sexual transmitted diseases infection which may
stimulate the production of white blood. The white blood cells can
damage or kill sperm if a high number of sperm antibodies is found
leading to immunologic infertility.
Women may have an allergic
reaction to her partner's semen and make sperm antibodies leading to
faultily recognizing the sperm as foreign invasion, thereby producing
high a mount of antibody to kill them leading to infertility. This kind
of immune response is not fully understood and happens only to small
percentage of infertility couple. It is said that this kind of abnormal
function can be treated by controlling the allergic reaction if the
causes are found.
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