Posted by Chantel Martiromo
Fertility is a natural process to insure the survival of human
species. Through natural selection, we produce many offspring when the
reproductive system works at it's peak in the suitable environment with
plenty of food around. On the other hand, the reproductive system may
completely shut down or work at it's minimum state and we produce less
offspring, when the environment is hostile including less foods around,
war, epidemic, but regardless of all these factors, most women are
capable of conceiving during their menstrual cycle before reaching the
stage of menopause.
uterus is female hormone-responsive reproductive sex organ, where the fertilized egg implanted and develop to a fetus then to a
baby. One end, it is connected to the cervix, the other connected on
both sides to the Fallopian tubes.
The effects of Uterus on infertility
1. Bicornate uterus
uterus also known as heart-shaped uterus caused by abnormal formation
of mullerrian duct, thereby increasing the risk of premature born baby
or miscarry due to small than normal uterus.
2. Fibroid
Fibroid is benign tumour which grows in, on or outside of the wall of
the uterus. If it grows big enough, it may interfere with the
implantation of embryo in the uterus leading to premature delivery,
miscarriage and increasing the risk of infertility if they grow near the
opening of both Fallopian tubes and distort the shape of uterine
3. Sepate uterus
Sepate uterus is a condition in
which the uterus is divided by septum into separate half. Since the
uterus is divided, each half has little space for the fetus to grow. It
may not interferes with implantation of fertilized eggs but the
pregnancy may end with premature birth of miscarriage.
4. Unicornuate uterus
Unicornuate uterus is a malforming uterus which is formed from one only of the paired mullerian ducts
while the other mullerian duct does not develop. Women with unicornuate
uterus may never be diagnosis and may be possible to get pregnant but
the reproductive failure is high.
5. Uterine factors
problem such as endometriosis may increase the risk of infertility
because it interferes with the implantation of fertilized egg into the
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