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Monday, January 6, 2014

Herbal Anise and Dysmenorrhea

 Posted by Chantel Martiromo,  Article By Kyle J. Norton  

Anise is a flowering plant ofthe species of Pimpinella anisum, genus Pimpinella, belonging to the family Apiaceae native to to Egypt and the Mediterranean region. The popular herb has been used in traditional herbal medicine as fragrance in soaps, oils, and mouth fresheners and stomachic, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, carminative, digestive, expectorant, stimulant and tonic agent to treat head-lice and mites, increase blood pressure, prevent formation of gas in the gastrointestinal tract and menstrual cramps, etc.
Herbal Anise  and Menstrual Cramps and pain in dysmenorrhea
Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) is defined as a condition of severe uterine pain during 
menstruation. Some women may experience periodic pains during or prior to, or after menstrual periods in the lower abdomen as resulting of over production of certain hormones in the prostaglandins family. In traditional Chinese medicine, dysmenorrhea is defined as a pain in the lower abdomen, appearing with menstrual cycle that can spread over to the whole abdomen and lumbosacral region, depending to diagnosis.

Beside the main ingredient Anethole, it also contains, D-pinene, I-phellandrene, Alpha-terpineol, Safrol, Methyl chavicol, Resin, Shikimic acid, etc.

The benefits

Anise contains certain chemical compounds in relieving the cramps and pain of primary dysmenorrhea, due to immature of the reproductive organs of young girls, according to the study of herbal drug group  given 500 mg of highly purified saffron, celery seed, and anise (SCA) extracts three times a day for three days. Other in the study of Herbal combination of Women were taken either mefenamic acid, an herbal combination of saffron/celery seed extract in combination with either anise or fennel from the onset of bleeding or pain for three days each cycle and followed for two to three cycles found that women taking the SCA herbal combination had a decrease in pain intensity and duration as did those in the mefenamic acid group  and both had statistically significant reductions in pain scores and pain duration compared with the women in the placebo group.

The Side Effects
1. If you have high blood pressure or pregnant please consult with your doctor or related field specialist before applying.
2. Star Anise is toxic.
3. Skin Irritation
4. Allergic reaction such as mouth and lip inflammation.
5. Etc.

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1. "[Apparent life-threatening event in infants: think about star anise intoxication!].[Article in French] by Perret C, Tabin R, Marcoz JP, Llor J, Cheseaux JJ.,  (PubMed)
2. Aniseed-induced nocturnal tongue angioedema` by Gázquez García V, Gaig Jané P, Bartolomé Zavala B., (PubMed)
3. Herbal combination for primary dysmenorrhea  by Tori Hudson, ND
4.  The herb possess potent CNS depressant action and anxiolytic effect
4. The effect of an Iranian herbal drug on primary dysmenorrhea: a clinical controlled trial.
Nahid K, Fariborz M, Ataolah G, Solokian S.(PubMed)

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