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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Women and Depression - The Symptoms and Risk Factors

  Posted by Chantel Martiromo,  Article By Kyle J. Norton 

Depression is a normal response as part of our daily lives such as the loss of s job, the death of a love one, and illness. Over 30 million Americans suffer from depression and the amount is increasing in an alarming rate. Depression may be a mental health disorder that can affect the way you eat, sleep, and the way you feel about yourself. The mild case of depression can be defeated by a variety of self-care techniques. Others require the treatment of medication, such as antidepressant medications and psychotherapy that help to reduce and sometimes eliminate the symptoms of depression. According to the National Mental Health Association, one in every eight women can expect to experience clinical depression during their lifetime. In gender perspective, women are twice at risk to develop depression than men.
Women and depression
In an article of Why Women Experience Depression More Than Men, by Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, Ph.D., Carla Grayson, Ph.D. & Judith Larson, Ph.D., the experts wrote that researchers have known for years that women experience depression more often than men do, but the reason for this gender difference has not been clear. A study published by researchers provides some answers by showing how social conditions and personality characteristics affect each other and contribute to the gender differences in depressive symptoms.

1. Loss of interest and energy in life
2. Change of sleeping and eating habits
3. Can not concentrate
4. Lowered self esteem
5. Deep sadness and hopeless
6.Thought of suicide and death
7. Bloating,
8. Irritability
9. Fatigue, and
10. Emotional reactivity
11. Etc.
D. Risks of depression
1. Neurotransmitters-chemicals
Imbalance of neurotransmitters-chemicals that brain cells use to transmit information and communicate each others can lead to nervous tension, causing depression. 2. Smoking
According to the article of Stop Smoking, Lower Depression Risk By Rick Nauert PhD Senior News Editor, author wrote that in a study conducted in the Department of Public Health at the University of Helsinki explored, which of those assumptions would be supported by the data, when smoking behavior and changes in it is considered as a predictor of depressive symptoms.
3. Alcohol
In a study of the Nord-Trondelag Health Study (HUNT Study) based in Norway by Jens Christopher Skogen of the University of Bergen in Norway, researchers found that found that those who reported not consuming any alcohol over a two-week period were more likely than moderate drinkers to report symptoms of depression, but excessive alcohol drinking is associated with depression.
4. Unhealthy diet
Unhealthy with high in saturated fat and transfat enhamce estrogen elevation, leading hormone imbalance causes of PMS depression. 5. Lack of exercise
According to the article postedin the Special Health Report from Harvard Medical School “Understanding Depression” indicated that according to another study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 1999, divided 156 men and women with depression into three groups. One group took part in an aerobic exercise program, another took the SSRI sertraline (Zoloft), and a third did both. At the 16-week mark, depression had eased in all three groups. About 60%–70% of the people in all three groups could no longer be classed as having major depression. In fact, group scores on two rating scales of depression were essentially the same. This suggests that for those who need or wish to avoid drugs, exercise might be an acceptable substitute for antidepressants. Keep in mind, though, that the swiftest response occurred in the group taking antidepressants, and that it can be difficult to stay motivated to exercise when you’re depressed.
6. Medication
Medication such as Corticosteroids, Cyclosporine, Dopar, Lioresal, etc. can increase the risk of deprweesion, if yiou are taking these types of medication, please make sure you understand the risks.
7. Family history
Increased risk of depression if one of your direct fmaily memember has need affected by depression.
8. Medical history
Women with depression in the pasthave a higher risk to develop depression.
9. Gender
Women are twice at risk to develop depression than men.
10. Childhood attachment and abuse
Ina study of Childhood attachment and abuse: long-term effects on adult attachment, depression, and conflict resolution, by T Styron, R Janoff-Bulman, researchers found that Results suggest that the long-term impact of childhood abuse may be mediated by early attachment experiences, whereas the long-term impact of abuse on conflict resolution behaviors may be considerably more direct.
11. Etc.
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