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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Premenstrual Syndrome ( PMS ): Chinese Herbs for Liver blood stagnation

Posted by Chantel Martiromo

Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their difference in living style and social structure. It is defined as faulty function of the ovaries related to the women's menstrual cycle, it effects a women's physical and emotional state, and sometimes interferes with daily activities as a result of hormone fluctuation. The syndrome occurs one to two weeks before menstruation and then declines when the period starts.

Traditional Chinese medicine has been used over 4000 thousand years in treating women reproductive system disorder with proven success. Chinese herbalists believe Pre menstrual syndrome is caused by
A. Liver blood stagnation
Liver blood stagnation in the abdominal region including uterus causes menstrual pain and cramps before the period. By releasing the blood stagnation, it helps to remove the blood in the abdomen resulting in lessening the symptoms of PMS The traditional Chinese herbalists also believe that premenstrual syndrome is caused by blood stagnation in the liver and abdominal region.

1. White peony (bai shao)
White peony has been used in Chinese medicine in treating liver blood stagnation and blood purifying thereby increasing the liver function in fat and protein metabolism and the circulatory system for providing the nutrient to our body need resulting in lessening the blood stagnation in the abdominal region and tension of nervous system.
2. Spathololus spp ( ji xue xiong)
Spathhololus spp is a blood tonic medicine, it has been used to treat reproductive system disorder caused blood stagnation or blood deficiency, because it helps to increase the production of blood and move the blood resulting in lessening the menstrual pain and cramps and nervous tension.
3. Liguustcum wallichi ( chuan xiong)
Liguustum wallichi is also a herb used to improve the blood circulation in the body including the abdominal region. It has been used in Chinese medicine as reproductive system enhancing herb for women during menstrual cycle before and after ovulation.
4. Angelica root( dong quai)
Angelica root is a queen for women reproductive system, it has been used in traditional Chinese medicine in treating blood stagnation, menstrual pain and cramps, etc by building, harmonizing blood and alleviating menstrual disorder.
5. Red sage roots ( dan shen)
Red sage root is a main Chinese medicine that has been used to treat blood stagnation in the abdominal region by improving the blood circulation in the body including abdominal region and breaking up stagnation.

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