Posted by Chantel Martiromo
Premenstrual syndrome effects over 70% to 90% of women before menopause
in the US and less for women in Southeast Asia because of their
difference in living style and social structure. It is defined as faulty
function of the ovaries related to the women's menstrual cycle, it
effects a women's physical and emotional state, and sometimes interferes
with daily activities as a result of hormone fluctuation. The syndrome
occurs one to two weeks before menstruation and then declines when the
period starts.
1. Mineral deficiency
Calcium, magnesium and silicon are essential for women during menstrual
cycle because they have a calming effects for the nervous system.
Imbalance or deficiency of calcium, magnesium and silicon increase the
tension of the brain's cell resulting in insomnia.
2. Vitamin deficiency
Women with PMS are found to have low levels of vitamin B6 which is vital
to convert tytrophan to serotonin. Deficiency of vitamin B6 interferes
the production of serotonin resulting in lessening the production of
melatonin, a vital hormone in promoting a good nigh sleep.
3. Alcohol
Alcohol not only damages the liver in fat and protein metabolism, it
also increases the tension of nervous system. Limit intake of less than
one cup of wine everyday will helps to reduce the symptoms of insomnia.
4. Caffeine
Caffeine may helps to increase nervous system function but it may causes
nervous tension and vitamin B6 deficiency as resulting of caffeine
stimulating. It also causes unbalance of production of serotonin and
melatonin hormone resulting in increasing the nervous tension leading to
5. Low levels of melatonin
Melatonin is hormone which helps to regulate the sleep pattern of our
body. some women with PMS found to have low levels of melatonin before
period caused by low levels of serotonin and tytrophan. Intake of food
with high in serotonin and tytrophan will help.
5. Insulin irregularity
Researchers exam the inter relationship between insomnia and insulin
fluctuation found out that improving insulin balancing will helps to
improve the sleep pattern and via versa.
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